Have you taken the first step, yet?

Open Water Diver

Do you want to learn to SCUBA Dive? As an open water diver you can experience a whole new world underwater. Maybe you’re looking for a new challenge, news skills to practice and new friends to practice them with. The place to start is right here! Learn more…

Advanced Open Water

They’re what the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course is all about. This course helps you increase your confidence and build your SCUBA skills so you can become more comfortable in the water. Learn more…

Rescue Diver

“Challenging” and “rewarding” best describe the PADI Rescue Diver course. Building upon what you’ve already learned, this course expands on what you already know about how to prevent problems, and how to manage them if they occur. Learn more…

Master SCUBA Diver

Join the best of the best in recreational SCUBA diving and live the ultimate dive lifestyle as a PADI Master SCUBA Diver. The PADI Master SCUBA Diver rating puts you in a class of distinction – writing your ticket to endless adventure and opportunities through the experience and SCUBA training that sets you apart. Learn more…