Emergency First Responder
Emergency First Response training focuses on building confidence in lay rescuers and increasing their willingness to respond when faced with a medical emergency. Learn more…
Emergency Oxygen Provider
Knowing how and when to use emergency oxygen is a great skill to have and means you’re ready to help others should the need arise. You’ll learn about water related lung injuries, different types of emergency oxygen equipment and safety considerations when using oxygen. Learn more…
EFR Primary Care
Emergency First Response training focuses on building confidence in lay rescuers and increasing their willingness to respond when faced with a medical emergency. Learn more…
EFR Secondary Care
Emergency First Response training focuses on building confidence in lay rescuers and increasing their willingness to respond when faced with a medical emergency. Learn more…
Care For Children
Emergency First Response training focuses on building confidence in lay rescuers and increasing their willingness to respond when faced with a medical emergency. Learn more…
Diving Emergency Management Provider
When a dive accident occurs, multiple things happen. Separate small problems can compound to create a larger problem. DAN’s Diving Emergency Management Provider (DEMP) program prepares you to handle the kinds of multifaceted accidents that may occur. Learn more…
Emergency Oxygen
When a diving accident occurs, being able to recognize the problem and respond with the appropriate care can speed the diver’s recovery and minimize lasting effects. Learn more…
First Aid For Hazardous Marine Life Injuries
Divers may experience unintentional encounters with fire coral, jellyfish and other marine creatures. Any time a person enters the marine environment there is a chance of being stung, bitten or cut. Learn more…
Neurological Assessment
Decompression illness (DCI) can present as a neurological injury associated with SCUBA diving. Rapid recognition of and response to a suspected neurological injury, regardless of cause, can help convince the injured person of the need for emergency oxygen and help the responder monitor the injured person’s condition and report findings to emergency medical services (EMS). Learn more…
Basic Life Support
Brain death starts to occur four to six minutes after someone experiences cardiac arrest if no CPR and defibrillation occurs during that time. This course will help prepare you to handle cardiovascular events and other life-threatening incidents. Learn more…